MEGALAND is a newly started theatre production company with Karoline Clasen Holland as the artistic director. Megaland will produce original performing arts work for the theatre stage. The first production is called Please Hold - a legal fiction and was initiated at a residency at HAUT, Copenhagen in the end of 2023. 

Please Hold - a legal fiction 
by Megaland
Please Hold er en undersøgelse af det formelles æstetik og dets intime relation til det private gennem koreografi, rum og musik. Vi er interesserede i det falske dikotomi mellem det offentlige og det private og paradokset, at formelle interaktioner ofte forbindes med intense følelser og tabuer. Arbejdet udfordrer konventioner gennem uforbeholdne popkulturelle referencer og komedie, der kan opfattes som 'dårlig smag' eller uncool. Vi er tættere på The Eric André Show end Broadway eller The Office. Vores referencer til populærkultur betyder ikke, at publikum kan læne sig tilbage. Dissonans vil være vores konceptuelle kompas i at kombinere modstridende udtryk som abstrakt/konkret, formel/uformel, og vi ser frem til at skærpe vores foreløbige komposition, så den destillerer akavethed og spænding. Kroppene på scenen skifter mellem at være menneske, figur, objekt, materiale, autoritet og borger. Nogle gange vil det være objekterne, stilheden eller afstanden, der fortæller ‘historien’. 

Vi har fastlagt vores premiere i sæson 24/25. Stay tuned.

Det kunstneriske hold: 
Kunstnerisk leder, koreograf, performer: Karoline Clasen Holland (DK)
Performers/medskabere: Denise Lim (SG/DE), Armin Hokmi (IR/DE)
Musiker, lyddesigner, medskaber: Jakob Einar la Cour (zack christ) (DK)
Lysdesigner, scenograf: Felipe Osorio Guzmán (CO/DK)
Koreografisk konsulent: Laurent Chetouane (FR/DE)

Initial artistic research co-produced by: HAUT Scene, Teaterøen and Megaland
Supported by Wilhelm Hansen Fonden. 

Photographer of work sharing: Louise Herrche Serup

Photo by Louise Herrche Serup. Work sharing at Teaterøen as part of HAUT in process festival YC festival 2023.
Photo by Louise Herrche Serup. Work sharing at Teaterøen as part of HAUT in process festival YC festival 2023.
Photo by Louise Herrche Serup. Work sharing at Teaterøen as part of HAUT in process festival YC festival 2023.
Photo by Louise Herrche Serup. Work sharing at Teaterøen as part of HAUT in process festival YC festival 2023.
Photo by Louise Herrche Serup. Work sharing at Teaterøen as part of HAUT in process festival YC festival 2023.
Photo by Louise Herrche Serup. Work sharing at Teaterøen as part of HAUT in process festival YC festival 2023.
Photo by Louise Herrche Serup. Work sharing at Teaterøen as part of HAUT in process festival YC festival 2023.
Photo by Louise Herrche Serup. Work sharing at Teaterøen as part of HAUT in process festival YC festival 2023.
Photo by Louise Herrche Serup. Work sharing at Teaterøen as part of HAUT in process festival YC festival 2023.
Photo by Louise Herrche Serup. Work sharing at Teaterøen as part of HAUT in process festival YC festival 2023.

Bad to the Bone magazine has written an article reviewing the worksharing of Please Hold among other contemporary art works that tackle the theme of bureaucracy. Read by clicking the image below. 

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