2022, Layout, graphic design and text
Project description for fundraising for a theater production that was interrupted by the lockdown in 2020 and needed additional funding to be completed in 2022. I created the design and edited the text for the purpose in dialogue with CuntsCollective.
Software: Google presentations.
Project: Amor Kærlighed Liebe Love produced by CuntsCollective
Aims: To captive the aesthetic of the work visually while explaining the concept and vision with words.
The main qualities of the artistic concept are alienation and cuteness, auto-irony and sterile yet romanticized deconstruction of pop cultural narratives surrounding (heteronormative) romance. Therefore I made use of the imagery we already had created during the first production period - and a bold pink to signal the unapologetic feel of both the performance and the company CuntsCollective in general.
I organised the text into chapters with headlines to make overview easier, even though I am aware the amount of information could have been shortened.