"Play" - a short play by Samuel Beckett
Part of the Beckett-mini-festival at Norwegian Theatre Academy 2017
Directed by Phillip Zarrilli
Asistant director Andy Crook
M performed by Erik Røger
W1 performed by Moa Meinich
W2 performed by Karoline C. Holland
Light inquisitor performed by Rasmus Jensen
Scenography and make-up by Ragnhild Følling-Volden
A workshop with the late Phillip Zarrilli culminated in a mini-festival of short plays/prose works by Samuel Beckett.
Karoline C. Holland, Erik Røger and Moa Meinich performed the three characters of "Play" while Rasmus Jensen performed the role of the silent "inquisitor" - the manually moven light ray switching fast from character to character prompting the given character to speak when the light is on them.

M performed by Erik Røger

W1 performed by Moa Meinich

W2 performed by Karoline C. Holland
Watch a short excerpt of Play
(Norwegian Theatre Academy 2017)

Mari Pitkänen in "Footfalls"
- A mini-festival of works by Samuel Beckett
- A mini-festival of works by Samuel Beckett
Directed by Phillip Zarrilli and Andy Crook
Performed and designed by the second year acting and scenography students at NTA/HiØ
Performed and designed by the second year acting and scenography students at NTA/HiØ
Between March 30 and April 1 2017, Norwegian Theatre Academy produced a mini-festival showing short plays and prose works by Nobel laureate Samuel Beckett. Arranged in two different programmes, audiences had the unique opportunity of experiencing six of Beckett’s short plays as well as performative responses to two of Beckett’s prose works:
"A piece of monologue", "Play", "Footfalls", "The lost ones", "One evening", "Not I", "Eh Joe" og "Rockaby"
"A piece of monologue", "Play", "Footfalls", "The lost ones", "One evening", "Not I", "Eh Joe" og "Rockaby"