Please Hold is a new collaboration between dancer/choreographer Denise Lim (SG), dancer/choreographer/actor Armin Hokmi (IR) and Karoline C. Holland (DK). 

Their first residency took place at Teaterøen produced and curated by HAUT in november 2023 leading up to a public work sharing at HAUT's YC festival 2023.

Artwork by Karoline created with Dall-E
Credits for work sharing at YC festival 2023:
Performers: Armin Hokmi, Denise Lim, Karoline C. Holland
Idea and facilitor/artistic leader: Karoline C. Holland 
Music track: zack christ
Scenography from Sydhavn Genbrugscenter and Vermlandsgade Genbrugscenter
Co-produced by HAUT scene
The further artistic research is supported by Wilhelm Hansen Fonden

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Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup. Worksharing at HAUT's YC Festival 2023
Photos from public work sharing and feedback conversation at HAUT's YC Festival 2023 at Teaterøen.

Photos by: Louise Herrche Serup

Foto: Louise Herrche Serup
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup
Foto: Louise Herrche Serup

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